Publications collection Browse Topic Energy

Publications collection

Profile, Report, Newsletters, Annual Report

Topic: Energy

There are 23 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2010/01613 Conference Paper Electrical Safety - a perspective based on incidents 18 November 2010
2012/01106 Leaflet/booklet At your service – Thank you to Prospect 11 July 2012
2015/00099 National newsletter BACM Newsletter 22 January 2015
2015/00131 Leaflet/booklet Member recruit member, leaflet for members in energy sector, updated 2019 27 January 2015
2015/01351 National newsletter EnergyEye November 2015 04 November 2015
2015/01388 Local newsletter Northern Powergrid TR Circular 15/07 10 November 2015
2016/01299 Leaflet/booklet Women's PPE: One size does not fit all 21 June 2016
2017/00997 Leaflet/booklet A New Deal for Nuclear 30 June 2017
2018/01836 Leaflet/booklet Making the case for new nuclear – A briefing from Prospect union 17 October 2018
2019/01382 Leaflet/booklet The climate crisis – be part of the solution 12 September 2019
2020/00805 Leaflet/booklet Green Recovery Plan for the UK Energy Sector 23 July 2020
2021/00146 Leaflet/booklet A Just Transition – Managing the challenges of technology, trade, climate change and COVID-19 02 February 2021
2021/00490 Leaflet/booklet A workforce investment plan for our energy networks 20 May 2021
2021/00752 Leaflet/booklet Protecting workers' health and safety in renewable energy 13 August 2021
2021/00759 Leaflet/booklet Protecting workers' health and safety in renewable energy (concise version) 17 August 2021
2022/00949 Leaflet/booklet Your success stories: How Prospect makes the difference for our energy members 26 October 2022
2022/01019 Leaflet/booklet Electricity industry violince principles 14 November 2022
2023/00521 Leaflet/booklet Delivering clean power – A mission for the energy system 16 May 2023
2023/00878 Leaflet/booklet An independent and expert voice at Equinor UK Offshore Wind 04 September 2023
2023/00989 Leaflet/booklet Delivering good clean energy jobs – Five goals for the energy sector 04 October 2023
2023/00990 Leaflet/booklet A green industrial strategy for West Cumbria 04 October 2023
2023/01280 Leaflet/booklet Your success stories in renewable energy: How Prospect makes the difference for our energy members 29 November 2023
2024/00680 Leaflet/booklet Energising a green industrial strategy 07 August 2024