Publications collection Browse Topic Health & safety

Publications collection

Profile, Report, Newsletters, Annual Report

Topic: Health & safety

There are 14 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2021/00424 Leaflet/booklet Prospect stress and mental health checklist 27 April 2021
2019/01802 Leaflet/booklet Dignity at work – a charter for the energy sector 09 December 2019
2018/01771 Leaflet/booklet Ten ways employers can address mental health at work 09 October 2018
2018/01725 Leaflet/booklet Ten ways employers can support workers going through the menopause 03 October 2018
2016/01883 Poster …it's bullying A4 recruitment poster 30 September 2016
2016/01299 Leaflet/booklet Women's PPE: One size does not fit all 21 June 2016
2009/00422 Leaflet/booklet Safety representatives and safety committees – Brown Book 31 March 2015
2014/00295 Poster Stop playing games with health and safety A4 poster 14 February 2014
2012/01344 Poster Prospect, sea change at work poster 06 September 2012
2012/00026 Poster WorkTime YourTime: Will your Blackberry make you crumble 06 January 2012
2010/01613 Conference Paper Electrical Safety - a perspective based on incidents 18 November 2010
2009/00948 Annual report Prospect annual report 2008 22 July 2009
2008/00399 Annual report Prospect annual report 2007 31 March 2008
2006/20417 Poster 'Don't suffer in silence' poster 29 November 2006